ADHD therapy in Melbourne
Do you have (or think you have) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?​
Whether you were diagnosed in childhood or later in life, ADHD can significantly impact your quality of life, leading to burnout, relationship difficulties, and troubles with study and work.
Learn more about ADHD within a neuro-affirming practice to harness your strengths and life-hack areas of difficulty.
What is ADHD?
ADHD can look different for everyone, but here's the gist:
Overlooking small details in work
Difficulty staying focussed on boring tasks
Difficulty finishing tasks, getting easily distracted
Often losing things, trouble with organisation, forgetfulness
Poor time management, missing deadlines
Struggling with admin
Hyperactivity & Impulsivity
Difficulty remaining seated for long periods of time, feeling restless
Finishes people's sentences, difficulty waiting turn in conversations
Struggling to wait in line
Butting in, difficulty asking permission before doing something
Taking over what others are doing
Other common characteristics
Difficulty making decisions
Time blindness
Impatience with slow or boring processes
Needing deadlines to do tasks
Emotional intensity
Sensory overwhelm
Needing variety and change

Ready to understand your brain?
Our experienced psychologists specialise in helping you understand the workings of your brain. Using a neuro-affirming approach, they help you uncover and play to your strengths, while avoiding pit-falls by helping you life-hack common challenges. Using evidence-based intervention, our therapists will help you get back on track.
We'll help you get more wins and avoid burnout.
Our Locations
We offer face-to-face counselling for ADHD across two convenient locations in Melbourne and online therapy via telehealth Australia-wide

How do you know if you have ADHD?
ADHD isn’t just being forgetful. It’s difference in the structure and function of your brain, leading to differences and inconsistencies in your self-regulation capacity. It's estimated around 5% of people world-wide have ADHD, and people with ADHD have been around forever. It's not new, and it's not fake. Psychologists and Psychiatrists can help you with a diagnostic assessment. Currently, WellSpace doesn't offer ADHD assessments, but our experienced therapists can offer ADHD therapy
How can ADHD therapy help?
ADHD therapy can help by teaching you about how your brain works, so you can play to your strengths and minimise difficulties. ADHD therapy can aslo help you navigate the rollercoaster of emotions that come with diagnosis (especially adult diagnosis!). We use a combination of evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to help you improve life with ADHD
How long does ADHD therapy take?
It’s hard to say exactly how long therapy for ADHD takes, as everyone is different. The number of sessions will depend on a range of factors, including whether you have something else you’re struggling with (e.g., another diagnosis or history of trauma), and how well your environment supports you to change. It's best to engage in ADHD therapy when your natural focus takes you there, so intensive bursts of super-focused therapy are totally okay!
Do I need a referral?
No, you don’t need a referral to see an ADHD psychologist. However, if you want to claim Medicare rebates, we recommend discussing your eligibility for a Mental Health Treatment Plan with your GP.